Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tapas, Friends & Saints

We had one of those naps where you become dead to the world, it was amazing. Then it was up and out to wander Seville in search of tapas. We jumped from one place to another enjoying tapas (small appetizer sides dishes meant to order many and share) and beers as we went. Megan was telling us about Holy Week and the Passeos where a church will put their saint's statue on a float of sorts and people will carry it followed by a band and a procession through the city. She had just finished the story when we were walking past the cathedral and heard live epic sorts of music a block or so away, upon following it we found a small Passeo with a live marching band just leaving their church with their saint, it was a cool sight. Dani says there will b many small parades like this for the May Crosses and we happen to be lucky enough to catch this one.

The tapas was yummy as always. We at a great variety, had beers and eventually met up with Enrique, Cristina and Cacho who I know from my trip to Seville last year and had one last drink and caught up a bit.

It was just good to see Megan (and Dani) face to face and catch up. It's also good to be back in Spain. It's been awhile since I traveled with someone for whom it's all a new experience. Watching Jeremy take in the architecture, language, food, customs and general vibe was fun and both reminded me why I love travel and also how I feel so at home in Spain and Italy, it's become so natural for me to wander the old cobblestone streets and communicate in different languages, I missed it. It's so nice to be with locals (yes, I consider Meg a local), our true test will be Monday when we pick up the rental car and drive to Cordoba' :) but first tomorrow we must make sure Megan has a superb birthday.

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