Monday, April 6, 2009

Fenece Bound

Made it to the Fenice, is was prettier than we expected. I stole a photo of the ceiling while in the main auditorium.

Mom was so excited. She read a book about the Fenice, it's part of what made her want to see Venice in the first place. They closed early and kicked us out but I found out there is a classical music concert tonight. Since I'm a "young" (that's a first) we got decent tickets for only 20€ each!!!

We're going to a show at the Fenice!! Tonight at 8pm. Now I have to figure out how to dress up jeans ....


  1. I'm pleased she got to see something she researched. Enjoy the concert!

  2. Are you in Italy? I'm geographically challenged but I think you finally did make it; I just saw on the news that there was a major earthquake over there; are you okay?!!
