So, shhhh, listen. One...they don't mess around here with their pours of whiskey here in Spain. Unless you're here, at the worst bar ever! Two...I have had three of those 'foreign pours' of whiskey and now I'm drinking my fourth here at the worst bar think Sara's seeing me tipsy for the first (and maybe last time) ever.

In all seriousness I am definitely learning how to appreciate a well made drink as well as the different types of whiskey. We went tapas hopping tonight and I got a variety. The bar we're at me is super touristy with bad bartenders and expensive drinks. We came because they sent a girl out to advertise and she stopped at our table tonight to tell us they'd have Flamenco...but they don't. :-/ Sara's all ready to give them a horrible tripadvisor review....even with the illusive flamenco the food was really good and it was fun to let loose a bit. The whiskey helped me to forget my sunburned shoulders for a overall it was a good way to end our time in Spain.
PS-Sara's writing/censoring this for me and she's only had three beers and this is mostly me being goofy, don't worry mom.
PPS- Sara went to write the post and turned around to get a picture of my horrible drink....but I had already downed it...seeing as it was mostly coke anyhow.
When I saw the picture I thought you looked like you had had a little tooo much. Thanks for the
Definitely don't worry, he got the tiniest bit tipsy and got excited, the post was just Jeremy's goofy humor :) It was funny though, his impersonation of an inebriated person is uncanny when he's sober, when he got a bit tipsy it was stinking hilarious so when he said 'oo, we should do a drunk jeremy post!' and started dictating it I couldn't help myself :)