This time we'll be starting off in Barcelona. From there we jump to Seville, we'll do a day trip in Cordoba, and then our last stop will be Rome for a few days before we come back home. Total trip will be two weeks.
We have all of our flights booked, all Air BnB's booked and a house sitter lined up so the important stuff is taken care of. Now on to the little details like packing and cameras and passports.
Packing photos to come shortly as I get to fit a fairly impressive stack of stuff into a backpack which Jeremy has generously offered to carry. :D
I'm especially looking forward to this trip since this is the first time my entire family has traveled together. Our group in Seville will be 9-11 people all of us friends/family for 30+ years. Over the past 10 years or so most of us have made it to Europe at one point or another but this will be the first time we've converged on a city "Pratt Mutius" style all at once - I hope Seville is ready!
Another cool thing about this particular trip is that it will be Hannah's first over seas adventure - SO many new experiences for her are ahead and we get to be a part of that, how cool!

Oh, and duh, the REALLY special part is that we all get to be present for Megan and Dani's Spanish WEDDING!!! Yep, so if you go back through my blog you'll see a trip from a few years ago I took with Megan, my pseudosister, to Paris, Barcelona and Seville. During that trip she met a guy who she got all cute and flirty with and they made eyes at each other all through Feria. But it didn't end there, they kept in touch through the interwebs and in July of that year he came to the US to visit her. THEN in September of that year she went to visit him and from there it was a done deal, they were hooked. Megan became one of my heroes when she quit her job of 8+ years, rented out her house, packed up her belongings including her dog, Sam, and moved her life to Seville to follow her heart. This picture is of her this past year at Feria dressed up in local, traditional duds. (I know, it's like a movie, I've already requested that P!nk play the role of me ^_-).
So here we are, just over two years later and they are officially and legally becoming a family and in the process giving all of us an excuse to travel, bond, explore and further solidify our deep, life long friendships. Can you tell I'm proud/excited/full of love for this whole scenario? :)
This will DEFINITELY be a travel adventure you'll want to experience vicariously!
See you SOON!!!! <3