Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sara's Job

So, I’ve been working as a Project Manager on a contract basis. So I work like crazy for a few months and then don’t work for awhile until something new comes up. It worked well for 2008, really well. Unfortunately the economy caught up with my employer and so far 2009 has been REALLY slow. So slow that I haven’t worked for them at all since early May before we left for Prague. Which is why we haven’t done a whole lot of traveling this year.

Well, I finally found something. It is far from my first choice but after 6 months I felt I needed to grin and bear it. I’m in training through January working 9-5:30 and then after that who knows what schedule. It’s providing tech/customer support for a cable company in a call center. The training isn’t boring and the people in my class are interesting. The crummy part is the staffing company I’m working through - they’re extremely unprofessional . The biggest bummer is that they told us after we’d started (not during the interview process) that they require 100% attendance for the first SIX MONTHS! So that’s going to be a bit of a challenge.

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